
Alternative Foods

With the world's population expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, global food demand is projected to increase by over 50%. At the same time, current industrial agricultural systems are unsustainable and damaging to planetary health through high emissions, soil degradation, and biodiversity loss. I invest in visionary startups creating affordable, nutritious and sustainable alternatives to status quo industrial animal agriculture.

Heura is building a net-positive food system by accelerating the protein transition with their 100% plant-based, 0% additives products.

  • New Crop Capital

  • Green Monday

Atlantic Fish Co develops cultivated seafood to provide the world delicious and sustainable protein. The end product is real seafood, grown directly from fish cells but without the consequences of legacy fishing.

  • SOSV, IndieBio

  • Sustainable Food Ventures

Savor turns carbon dioxide from the air and hydrogen from water into high-quality, healthy, and affordable fats without negative climate impact.

  • Synthesis Capital

  • Breakthrough Energy Ventures

Marinas Bio sustainably cultivates seafood delicacies like caviar using cell agriculture, conserving marine life while delivering premium quality and traceability.

Ecosystem Protection and Restoration

The health of our planet's ecosystems and biodiversity is in crisis, with over 1 million species at risk of extinction. Restoring and protecting ecosystems like forests, grasslands, and wetlands is crucial for stabilizing our climate, regulating water cycles, and supporting livelihoods. I invest in entrepreneurs addressing this planetary emergency - supporting ecosystem protection and restoration positively impacts climate resilience, food and water security, and community livelihoods.

Mast Reforestation provides end-to-end reforestation services using innovative technologies and financing models to restore resilient, biodiverse forests at scale.

  • Pulse Fund

  • Seven Seven Six (Alex Ohanian)

Liquid Trees (formerly 1010 Solutions) utilises microscopic silica algae (diatoms) to capture fertilizers, heavy metals, microplastics and CO2 in open water bodies, solving both climate change and river pollution.

  • Unruly Capital

  • Tiny VC

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage

With global CO2 emissions continuing to rise, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies are critical to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Current CCUS capacity stands at just 40 million tonnes CO2 per year, but must scale up rapidly to 10 billion tonnes per year by 2050 to meet climate goals. As an angel investor, I see massive potential in startups innovating across the CCUS value chain, from direct air capture to CO2 utilization in building materials and fuels.

Carbo Culture commercializes large-scale carbon removal by converting COâ‚‚ from plant biomass into captured and permanently stored carbon.

  • True Ventures

  • Kimpa

Future of Health

I believe the health of our planet and the health of humanity are ultimately one and the same. With climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution, our planetary life support systems are at risk. This directly threatens human health through impacts ranging from infectious disease spread to air pollution, food insecurity and mental illness. I work with startups leveraging biotechnology, nanotechnology and synthetic biology to unlock new possibilities for human health and longevity.

Crane Biosciences makes gene therapies safe and effective by hiding them from the immune system.

  • Entrepreneur First

  • Exor